On May 23-26, the XVI International Scientific and Practical Electronic Conference “Language. Education. Culture”. Annually it is attended not only by teachers of humanities departments, but also by theoretical and clinical departments of our university, as well as Russian and foreign medical universities (Belarus, Uzbekistan, Slovenia, Tajikistan, etc.). Students, undergraduates and postgraduates (China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Italy, etc.) are alsocertain participants of the conference.).
The Vice-rector for Scientific Work and Innovative Development of KSMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Lipatov addressed the participants of the conference at the plenary session with a welcoming speech. The reports submitted to the plenary session reflect the current problems of modern philology and linguodidactics. Invited speaker Anna Olegovna Stebletsova, Professor, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko, a member of the European Association of Teachers of English in the Field of Healthcare (EALTY), a regional representative in Russia, devoted her speech to the national and cultural specifics of a scientific text as a subject of descriptive and comparative analysis. Linguistic education in medical universities of Russia today and the need for its transformation became the topic of the report of the Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of KSMU, Member of the Educational and Methodological Commission on Linguistic Disciplines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Valentina Illarionovna Narolina.
During the conference, 7 breakout sessions were held. The features of the scientific text and medical discourse, current problems of language theory, pedagogical technologies in the development of professional communicative foreign language competence, culture, history, traditions of people in the world were discussed. A separate section was devoted to discussing the language of medicine and communication between the doctor and the patient. The participants actively asked questions, exchanged the experience of their universities in solving urgent pedagogical problems.
More than 100 articles included in the collection of conference materials reflect all the variety of problems of scientific research of the participants, who noted the high level of organization and comfortable mode of the conference.

The Organizing Committee of the conference.