On May 1, 2022, students of the International Medical Institute of KSMU visited the exhibition “War. Victory. Memory.” of the city exhibition center “Zvezdny”. When living in Russia, foreign students are interested in the history of our country. We all value the preservation of peace on Earth and the memory of the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War is important for everyone. The exposition did not leave anyone indifferent. The students examined with interest the exhibited photographs of the war years depicting the streets of Kursk, Belgorod, Oryol, historical maps and relics of the war. The models of airplanes, tanks, the famous “Katyusha” and other equipment of the war years especially attracted the attention of foreigners All foreign students remembered the famous song of the same name “Katyusha”. This is not the first time the exhibition hall has opened its doors to KSMU students from different countries and always leaves an indelible impression about the culture, history, and people of Russia.