In the autumn of 2020, on the basis of Kursk State Medical University, the Anatomical Theater was opened. It includes more than five hundred exhibits made in different years by the employees of departments and students: pictures, lithographs, mummies, skeletons and embryos showing human anatomy, pathologies of intrauterine development, organs. Besides, the building has a lecture hall with 150 seats for practical classes in anatomy with digital technologies.

Modern computer technologies allow anyone to visit the theater, that’s why the director of the IMI M.T. Chahine and the teachers organized a virtual tour for the students of the International Medical Institute. A lot of future doctors who have recently started their studies at the university remotely and therefore couldn’t visit the museum in person, attended the excursion. According to the students, the excursion made an unforgettable impression on them, aroused even greater interest in their future profession and the university where they will study for the next few years:

«It was a very interesting online excursion. This has led me to better understanding regarding the facilities available in KSMU. I hope I’ll have the chance to visit those interesting places when we study anatomy and other related subjects. Yesterday’s excursion also added to my motivation to become a doctor in the future. This is really a great idea to increase KSMU students’ interests especially in the medical field. Finally, I want to say thank you so much for inviting us to the excursion and I hope for more events, like this, that are beneficial for our development of being future doctors. Very interesting indeed!» (Adam Chong U Fong, group 3МБ)

«The presentation was divided into five parts, which through it we can see a large and innovative collection. The university, through the museum, teaches anatomy with a complete collection of organs, organisms, systems, real images, text books, more than five hundred different anatomical portions to analyze. The building still follows the old style, the main points being the stained glass windows with DNA tape and Darvim’s anatomical painting. We saw how the collection is prepared without the use of formaldehyde so that the environment does not have a strong smell. We saw how technology is used to teach classes with exhibits. It is a lovely and interesting environment because we were able to immerse ourselves in a place where we could learn about the human body from fetus to adulthood».  (Livia, группа 4МБ)

«The whole content of the video were amazing and i am amazed to be able to gain few knowledge about KSMU university. I am really looking forward to further my study so i can visit this huge anatomy theatre. The effort that our professors, scientist and earlier contributors are amazing. I have been to one human anatomy gallery near my house at UMS Sabah. Both anatomical theatre actually looked alike but I would wanna explore another one which is the KSMU Anatomical Theatre. I am really excited to see and learn more about human anatomy since I’ve watched the video». (Nizikhatul Nur Siafikah, 3МБ)