Dear colleagues!

On February 16, 2023, at Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kursk State Medical University, it is planned to conduct “Smart Prevention of Cancer in Gynecology” for oncologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, primary care doctors, clinical residents and students!

The format of the conference – in person. It is also possible to conduct it in a mixed version.

Oncologists, obstetricians-gynaecologists, primary doctors, students and clinical residents of medical universities and faculties are invited to participate in the conference.


•    Oral presentation (no more than 10 minutes);

•    Observer

•    Publication in the collection of works (RSCI)

Requirements for an oral report at the conference:

1. The text of the report should be in Word format, presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint.

2.  The report should be accompanied by a presentation (PowerPoint 2003-2016).

3.  The duration of the oral report should not exceed 10 minutes, the discussion – 5 minutes.

4.  A photo of the speaker in *.jpeg format should be attached to the report.

5. One day before the conference, the speaker should provide a presentation (PowerPoint 2003-2016) to the organizers of the conference.

6.  Due to different laptop software, please, save your presentations in two formats *.ppt and *.pptx

7. Presentation requirements: the presentation must be made according to generally accepted rules (light slide +dark letters). First slide should contain the following information: name of the university, name of the department, name of the work; full name of the speaker; name of the supervisor; city and year, etc.

As a result of the conference, participants will receive relevant certificates, as well as the collection of abstracts.

More information is available on the conference website >>>

Conference Organizing Committee