The international conference took place on October 25-26 and was dedicated to the 89th anniversary of Kursk State Medical University and the Year of the Teacher and Mentor.
The introductory remarks were made by the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Development, Prof. V.A. Lipatov, and other colleagues from different universities.
The plenary session included, 12 symposiums (3 of which were conducted in English), and 3 master classes. Reports were heard from China, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, as well as from various cities (Moscow, Ryazan, Voronezh, Tambov, Lugansk, Simferopol, etc.). Total of 157 reports were presented at the conference.
On October 26, 2023, three master classes were held at the Experimental Medicine Research Institute. The students were very excited to see live demonstrations of real techniques used in experimental practice.
The conference has opened up new prospects in research, international, and interuniversity cooperation.