At the New Year holidays, volunteers of the Kursk State Medical University  took part in the regional action of Russian-wide mutual assistance #МыВместе “New Year to Every Home».

The New Year to every home is a unique opportunity to become real wizards for children who find themselves in a difficult life situation, for the elderly without close relatives who can support them, for families of the mobilized and for the servicemen themselves – for everyone who needs support on this holiday more than ever.

Volunteers of KSMU also participated in the event “Happy New Year, Doctors!”, which has already become traditional. Graduates of the jubilee school of volunteers “Upward Movement-2022” tried to create a New Year’s atmosphere for medical workers.

The guys made handmade sweets, gingerbread, cookies with predictions, collected gift baskets that were presented to doctors by visiting the “State Polyclinic No.5”, “State Polyclinic No.1 named after N.S. Korotkov”, as well as OAO “Kursk Pharmacy”.

The New Year is time of miracles. We always celebrate it among close and dear people, make the most cherished wishes and wait for their fulfillment. On New Year’s Eve, everyone deserves a small miracle and it is important that no one should be left alone!