Russian  Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko took part in the plenary session of the XV All-Russian Conference “Medical Education Week – 2024”. The event is held on the site of the International Exhibition-Forum “Russia” at VDNKh.

This year the key theme of the “Week of Medical Education” was the development of human resources potential. The head of the Russian Ministry of Health spoke at the plenary session “Medical Education 2.0: New Quality Standards” and described the current trends in the training of medical personnel.

– You see how quickly the world is changing, how quickly information resources and methods of information delivery are changing. Therefore, to be outside them or to be behind them is unacceptable today, – said Mikhail Murshako.

The Minister drew attention to the fact that postgraduate studies should form, among other things, responsibility for the result of work, and the key in the training of postgraduates should be the formation of the priority of scientific achievements.

– Today medicine includes the most advanced technologies from various fields of science: from physics, digital transformation, nuclear technologies. The requirements for medical specialists are changing. The training of a medical specialist today is very diverse. Another modern challenge for medical education is to prepare a specialist in such a way that he or she is able to work with new sources of information, analyze the results of his or her work and the achievements of his or her colleagues,” he says.

The new approach in education provides an opportunity to work with modern technologies, equipment and medicines, understanding their benefits and limitations of use. Medical institutions, in turn, provide ample opportunities to practice practical skills.

Attracting new specialists

– The state health care system has received a tremendous impetus in the development of material and technical base with technology, including the formation of new approaches to compensation for labor. This is also a fundamentally important position, which has changed today, – said the Minister. – And, of course, the population is waiting for further improvements in the provision of medical care and accessibility, quality improvement.

Mentoring in training, targeted training of future doctors, increasing the prestige of the medical profession, unprecedented renovation of the health care infrastructure and certain ongoing programs, such as “Zemsky Doctor” and “Zemsky Feldsher” allow attracting new specialists to the industry.

– Over the entire period of implementation of these programs, more than 65 thousand people have already participated in this program, – said Mikhail Murashko.

For example, already today a number of medical colleges are introducing the norm of obtaining a driver’s license for paramedics graduating from medical institutions, as a paramedic receives, among other things, vehicles in new modernized FAPs to work directly with the population.

– In recent years, a project unprecedented in modern history to upgrade the health care infrastructure has been implemented. I am sure that to work in new, modernized, comfortable, beautiful medical organizations with modern equipment is something that can and should realize ambitious tasks for young talented people coming in, – said the Minister.

The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation noted that it is important to maintain equal, fair accessibility of higher education for our citizens.

– The President instructed to annually increase the number of budget places in higher education institutions, and to give priority to these places to regional universities, to those territories where there is a shortage of personnel. We have increased by 26% the targeted admission of students to medical educational organizations of higher education. Thus, the share of targeted budget seats exceeded 70%, and in a number of specialties in residency – reached 100%. In fact, the Ministry of Health in this area is a leader among all federal executive bodies,” said Mikhail Murashko.