In the international rating “IAAR Eurasian University Ranking (IAAR-EUR) – 2021” higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova took an active part.

In the IAAR 2021 ranking, Kursk State Medical University took:

  • 5th place in the overall rating;

With the award of Kursk State Medical University the title of Medical University Award.

The rating methodology, developed by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR), is aimed at a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the activity of higher education institutions, takes into account the international methodological standards for constructing rankings IREG (Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence), standards of empirical research and promotes the integration of universities into the global educational and research space. International Rating “IAAR Eurasian University Ranking (IAAR EUR)” is formed on the basis of digital technologies with elements of Webometrics and excludes subjective approaches in the assessment.

More information can be found on the website: