The 2022 Subject National Aggregate Rating was published by the Higher Education Independent Assessment Aggregator.

This aggregate rating considers 8 ratings compiled on the basis of open databases and meeting the requirements of publicity, stability and mass:

1.      Subject rating based on the results of professional and public accreditation

2.      Training Quality Assessment Subject Rating

3.      Hirsch Index Subject Rating

4.      RAEX Subject Rating

5.      First Mission Subject Rating

6.      Subject GAR (Russian universities)

7.      National Recognition Subject Rating

8.      Superjob Subject Rating

The rating uses a rating aggregation methodology (it is called “MetALig”), which involves:

o    moving from rankings to leagues;

o    use of a new mathematical convolution apparatus based on the theory of voting in small groups;

o    introduction of new “weak” convolutions.

Kursk State Medical University in the Subject National Aggregate Rating 2022 became the representative of honorary places in the following subject areas:

Subject Area League of Participation
Clinical Medicine Premier League
Pharmacy Premier League
Psychological Sciences First League
Health Sciences and Preventative Medicine Second League
Economics and Management Third League
Sociology and Social Work Third League
Chemical Technologies Fourth League

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