On November 26, 2022, a festive concert organized by freshmen from India was held in the assembly hall of KSMU. The event, dedicated to the Deepotsav national holiday, turned out to be colorful and fun. The first year at the university is very important for each student. This is the time when everyone gets to know people with whom they will continue to walk side by side through many difficulties and obstacles. The concert program brought together first-year and senior students from India.

The event was attended by Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Social Development and Public Relations, Associate Professor A.A. Kuznetsova, Director of the IMI of KSMU, Associate Professor  M.T. Chahine, Director of the Center for Creative Development and Additional Education M.N. Izvekova. The ceremony was opened by M.T. Chahine, who congratulated the freshmen on joining the ranks of students, wishing them a good study and rich and cheerful life within the university.

Dance and instrumental groups from India performed at the concert. Many songs, dances, theatrical miniatures were presented. In front of the audience, Russian students showed their excellent skills as well. The highlight of the program was the display of a fashionable Indian collection, where student fellowship of India chose the king and queen of the evening.

The event gathered a full hall of passionate spectators, who welcomed the artists very warmly, and a photo studio was organized for everyone in the university foyer.

Freshmen who came to the concert had an opportunity not only to get acquainted with the cultural life of KSMU, but also to join a large creative family, which will surely be enriched with new talents.

After this event, all viewers had the most vivid emotions and impressions.

Thanks to the organizers and participants!

Congratulations, dear freshmen, you are real students now!