Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vladimirovna Semenova arrived to Kursk on a business visit. She viewed the multi-purpose sports ground of KSMU, built by the new academic year. Here medical students will play futsal, basketball, volleyball, do track and field, wrestling.

Tatyana Vladimirovna highly evaluated the new sports venue in the infrastructure of the university and reminded students that every patient forms the correct attitude towards his/her health, taking cue from doctors. The main aim of medicine is active human longevity.

“Sport is the second profession for a doctor!” – this phrase became the main message of the event.

“We raise future doctors and are obliged to cultivate healthy lifestyle ideas among them as a core value. If physicians are unhealthy, they cannot qualitatively treat people and promote their health,” said the Rector of KSMU Victor Lazarenko.

The new sports ground will be available for students 24 hours a day. It will provide the development of sports talents.