by ksmu2020 | Apr 2, 2021 | News
On March 30, Rector of Kursk State Medical University V.A. Lazarenko took part in the board meeting of Rectors of Russian Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities. The meeting, which was held in the videoconference mode, was attended by the Minister of Health of the...
by ksmu2020 | Mar 20, 2021 | News
On March 19, 2021 a reporting meeting of BME KRCH was held with the participation of Rector of KSMU Professor V.A. Lazarenko, scientific and pedagogical workers and heads of the departments located at the clinical base. The event began with the awarding of the...
by ksmu2020 | Mar 16, 2021 | News
The effective development of student science provides for a variety of forms of its organization, one of which is student research laboratories. Student Research Laboratory (SRL) was organized at KSMU in 2009 on the initiative of Rector of KSMU, Professor V.A....
by ksmu2020 | Mar 13, 2021 | News
On March 12 Maslenitsa was celebrated on the territory of KSMU. It is one of the holidays most beloved by Russians, during which people say goodbye to the cold and meet spring. This ancient Slavic holiday is celebrated only in Russia, therefore, it is a great...
by ksmu2020 | Mar 13, 2021 | News
The folk holiday turned out to be bright and memorable, although not crowded, since the quarantine restrictions have not yet been finally canceled. “Hello, Maslenitsa, give us some butter!”, “Eat a pancake so that spring comes”, “We meet Maslenitsa, let tables be full...
by ksmu2020 | Mar 12, 2021 | News
On March 10 at 02:00 pm a signal about a fire in one of the educational buildings of KSMU was received by the duty officer of 01 service. That was the situation played in the frames of fire-tactical training, in which 28 staff members and 6 units of military equipment...