Highly respected colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the regional scientific and practical conference “Peculiarities of Course of the Novel Coronavirus Infection in Paediatric Practice”!

The wide spread of the coronavirus infection and the continuing trend towards changing virulent strains make it necessary to constantly study and analyse current advances in this field of medical knowledge. In recent years, a huge amount of scientific data has emerged characterizing the course of various aspects of the novel coronavirus infection in adults, approaches to treatment and prevention, while the study of COVID-19 in children was not so large-scale. This is primarily due to the low involvement of children in the epidemic process in the first months of the pandemic and allegations of a predominantly mild course of the disease in children. However, with the passage of time and the emergence of significant experience, paediatric practitioners face the need to sum up current data related to certain aspects of children’s care under the COVID-19. The long-term effects of the new coronavirus infection on the child’s body, its effect on the hemostasis system, development of multi-system inflammatory processes have not been fully studied yet. Restrictions on the use of drugs for both antiviral and pathogenetic therapy in childhood dictate the need to find new directions in treatment and prevention of the new coronavirus infection.


  • discussion of the main problems of diagnosis and treatment of the novel coronavirus infection in children;
  • exchange of scientific and practical experience in the field of Covid-19 in children;
  • generalization and spread of medical experience and scientific developments in the field of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of novel coronavirus infection in children.


  • peculiarities of the course of the novel coronavirus infection in children at different ages;
  • course of the novel coronavirus infection in children with severe forms of somatic pathology;
  • basic aspects of children rehabilitation after covid-19;
  • clinical and laboratory features of the novel coronavirus infection in combination with other respiratory viruses;
  • prospects for the development of new methods of prevention in children.

Pediatricians, neonatologists, infectious disease specialists, immunologists, allergists, pulmonologists, rheumatologists, pediatric neurologists, teachers, residents undergoing training in these areas are invited to participate in the conference.

The video recording of the conference will be posted on the department’s website.

More information is available on the conference website >>>

Conference Organizing Committee