On September 24, 2022, Kursk State Medical University joined the All-Russian action “Student Patriotic Race” within the activity of the Association of Student Patriotic Clubs “I Am Proud”, created as part of the federal project “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, national project “Education”, which officially includes KSMU. The action was held in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the aim of introduction of modern youth to a healthy lifestyle and preservation of historical memory of the victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over the nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

The event was attended by teachers and students of KSMU and Medical and Pharmaceutical College of KSMU. At the outdoor sports ground of MPC KSMU, 2 races (girls and boys) were organized, in each of which the winners were identified. Before the race, there was a mass warm-up, which prepared the participants for the sports race. Everyone interested were also able to participate in a flash mob organized by MPC students.

Congratulations to the winners and all participants of the race!!