Currently, 246 citizens of Uzbekistan are studying at KSMU, 206 of whom are studying under 5 joint educational programs with Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino and Fergana Medical Institute for Public Health.

Students started their cquaintance with Kursk State Medical University with a tour to the Anatomical Theatre, the presented collection of which left a deep impression on them.

As part of the adaptation program for foreign students studying via the networked form of implementing educational programs with the Republic of Uzbekistan, an organizational meeting with the staff of the International Medical Institute of KSMU was held on August 26, 2022.

The Director of the International Medical Institute, Associate Professor M.T. Chahine addressed the students with a welcoming speech. He told foreign citizens about the activity of the unit, the purpose of which is to solve various issues related to training, migration registration, social adaptation, accommodation in student dormitories, etc. as quickly and effectively as possible.

The event was completed by a sightseeing tour around the KSMU campus.