We are pleased to announce that on September 21, 2024 at 11:00 in the sports hall No. 2 of KSMU, the All-Russian action “STUDzaBEG” will be held, dedicated to the celebration of the International Day of Student Sports.
The format of the event: relay races with elements of outdoor games among student associations of the university.
The All-Russian action “STUDzaBEG” is part of the “ProBeg” project, implemented with the support of the Ministry of Sports of Russia as part of the federal project “Sport is the norm of life” of the state program “Development of physical culture and sports”.

To participate in the event:
📍 All team members must undergo preliminary electronic registration on the official website of SLSAA by following the link https://studathletics.org/ and submit an application for participation.

After the completion of the Action, all participants will be provided with an electronic certificate of participation.