Within the framework of a decade of elderly people the Unit of volunteer groups of KSMU will conduct awareness-raising activities and campaigns for several days.

On October 4, an interactive lecture on cardiovascular diseases will be held at the premises of Autonomous Social Institution of Kursk Region “Veteran”, during which volunteers will touch on questions on measures of their prevention, in addition, volunteers will perform primary medical diagnostics: measure the level of sugar in blood, saturation, blood pressure.

The next action will be held on October 5, timed to the Teacher’s Day. Medical volunteers will congratulate teachers of Kursk State Medical University and Medical and Pharmaceutical College of KSMU, who have dedicated their lives to teaching.

On the basis of Bukreevsky Psychoneurological Asylum, on October 6, a preventive event will be held on the topic “With Care for Health”. The volunteers are planning to conduct mini-lectures, hold primary medical diagnosis, as well as art therapeutic activity to stabilize and maintain mental wellbeing of the citizens living on the territory of the asylum.