Informational letter
April 14 at 09.00 (Moscow time) The regular scientific event from the series of the All-Russian interuniversity program to raise awareness on mental health safety will take place – the IX All-Russian online Interuniversity Scientific and Practical conference “Mental Health: current trends and prospects”.
Organizers: FSAEI HE “Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia” (Moscow), “Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk), “Chita State Medical Academy” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Chita), Union of Mental Health Protection (Moscow).
During the conference, it is planned to exchange experiences and present scientific achievements on mental health safety, including modern approaches to the prevention, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of mental and behavioral disorders; to assist in development of forms of interuniversity cooperation between graduate students of medical and non–medical universities in Russia and to increase the prestige of specialties in the field of mental health (appendix – program).
The conference will be attended by leading Russian experts in the field of mental health safety. Invited expert: Pyotr Viktorovich Morozov, MD, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry FAPE RNRMU named after N. I. Pirogov , General Secretary of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), Vice President of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists (ROP) (appendix – information about the speakers).
The conference will announce the First All-Russian competition of scientific and research student works for students of medical and non-medical universities (bachelor’s, specialty, master’s, postgraduate, residency) on the topic “Mental health”.

The conference will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Mental Health Union on April 14 (Thursday) from 09.00 (Moscow time): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp7gclHvgmu_u5cCXv1VCCA
Graduate students of medical and non-medical universities of Russia are invited to participate in the conference. The conference offers the opportunity to discuss reports through the chat.
At the request of universities, certificates are issued to participants.